Middleton Gymnastics Club was first established in 1986 and was transformed into a not-for profit limited company by Guarantee in 2018. We remain a small community organisation and are responsible for all our own running costs. Our Coaches and supporting volunteers receive minimal or little expenses for all the hard work they put in.
Our lead director (Founder) Glenn Prendergast has passionately led the club for over 30 years and fought for the club to maintain premises in Middleton that continue to be a fun and safe environment for young gymnasts.
All our coaching staff have been gymnasts themselves at Middleton GC and developed themselves to be level 1, 2, 3 or 4 coaches and judges.
We also have a team of very dedicated volunteers many of whom have been involved with the club since their children were gymnasts; some now have grandchildren as gymnasts. We have also created a parents committee who are dedicated to the fundraising and the development of the club. If you would like to be involved please see details of future meetings and contact details displayed around the gym, on our Facebook Pages, as much or as little support is welcomed.
As a not for profit company we often need to hold fundraising events/activities where parents involvement is necessary. If you can spare the time or resources to help in anyway please speak to any of our coaches or other volunteers.
The aim of the club is to provide a safe, effective and child friendly environment in which the members can participate under guidance of appropriate qualified coaches; this has been recognised with our affiliation to the British Gymnastics Associations Gym Mark.
Our facilities are an open environment which provides you with the opportunity to observe training sessions provided that it does contravene our health and safety policies.
We have a clear development structure for gymnasts to following which they are organised into groups/classes according to age, gender, ability and individual needs and coaches will be pleased to discuss pathways and training programmes with you.
We have appointed a Welfare officer to deal with any child protection/poor practice issues and to ensure the club maintains its child centred approach. Details of the Welfare Officer can be found on the website and on the notice board in the gym.
The club has adopted the British Gymnastics Club policies for Child Protection, Health Safety and Welfare and Equity. We also have a code of conduct for all officials, coaches, members and parents which are included in this pack and must be adhered to.
It is your responsibility to inform MGC of any changes that may occur such as medical conditions, contact information, address etc. You will also need to update British gymnastics to ensure the validity of your child's insurance.
It is a requirement that every participant has adequate insurance and this is provided by our governing Sports Body — British Gymnastics.
All new members are granted a 2 week probationary period before they are required to register with British gymnastics online at:
No member will permitted to participate in a session without current British Gymnastics Insurance.
The registration system on the British Gymnastics website is quick and easy to use and is mobile friendly. British Gymnastics will activate membership and insurance cover immediately. Should you experience any problems please speak to them directly:
British Gymnastics Customer Services Contact Information.
TEL: 0345 129 7129
Email: customerservice@british-gymnastics.org
Website: www.british-gymnastics.org
In line with the British Gymnastics Insurance MGC have the annual club membership and the North West Gymnastics Membership which is paid separate to your child’ s British Gymnastics Insurance/membership
The membership period runs from 1st November—31st October annually and is revised on a quarterly basis throughout the year.
The first 2-4 weeks (depending on start date within the month) payment is made in advance online, after this time fees are payable on a monthly basis by Direct Debit on 1st day of each month. The direct debit process will be required to be set up 10 days before the end of your child's first month to ensure the continuety of their gymnastics in the forthcoming month.
Fee’s become due on the 1st day of each calendar month, an additional administration fee of £5.00 may be charged to your account for each failed or cancelled direct debit, each calendar month . Middleton Gymnastics Club reserves the rights to either suspend or cancel your child's training/membership for late or non-payment of fees over 30 days without prior notice.
Please be aware should your membership be cancelled by the club for non-payment of fees or other incurred charges, Middleton Gymnastics Club are entitled to refer the total outstanding balance to a debt management company for recovery.
9.1 Parents must escort their children in to the gym to be signed in and signed out unless pre-arranged.
9.2. Gymnasts should arrive promptly to each training session to ensure a full warm up, unless pre-arranged and at the discretion of the club; members will not be permitted to train once the session has started.
9.3. Parents must arrive promptly when collecting their children from training sessions.It is at the discretion of the club to add the additional a Late Collection Charge.The current and chargeble value effective from 1st April 2020 = £10 per each 15 minutes.
10.1 If your child is to be absent due to illness, common gymnastics injury, injury sustained outside of training or a reason that is not considered to be long term please notify us by either telephone, a direct massage such as messenger, SMS or online at www.middletongymnasticsclub.co.uk prior to your child’s session (please do not post on the clubs group facebook page).
10.2. In the event that your child is unable to attend due to long term illness or injury please notify us as soon as possible so we can make arrangements to suspend or amend payments (this is at the discretion of the club).
10.3. Should your child be absent for more than two weeks without notification for any reason, MGC are entitled to cancel your membership and offer your place to a new member without prior notice.
10.4. Please notify us of any holidays you have booked. For the duration of your holiday fees will still apply, we do however close for periods such as Christmas and bank holidays, these closures have already be included within your monthly subscription.
10.5 If your child is selected as part of our competitive squad they are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of session within the calendar year, with exception to long term ilness or injury.
11.1 Appropriate clothing should be worn for training such as leotards or a tight fitting t-shirt and shorts/ leggings. Long hair should be tied back and no jewellery or smart watches are permitted.
11.2. Leotards, tracksuits and merchandise can be purchased and a weekly payment plan can be arranged to spread the cost. Please ask for details
11.3. If your child is selected as part of our competitive squad they will be required to have a club leotard and tracksuit ready for competitions.
11.4. It is your responsibility to ensure your child has the appropriate training aids such as ankle weights, hand guards, gloves/loops & chalk for them to best benefit from each session. This is especially important for our competitive squad members.
11.5 Middleton Gymnastics Club does not accept any responsibility for members, parents, volunteers belongings brought to, left, damaged or lost at the club.
11.6 Any items such as pre-owned clothing or leotards you wish to display for sale at the club are solely your responsibility and Middleton Gymnastics Club are not liable for any damage, loss or replacement of any items.
11.7 Any training accessories/clothing ordered through the club must be paid for in full when ordering.
We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all our members. The club believes it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore members are encouraged to be open at all times and share concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the nominated Welfare Officer. Details of Welfare Officers are displayed in the gym.
The essence of good ethical conduct and practice is summarised below. All club Coaches, Officials, Parents and Volunteers must:-
12.1 Coaches/Volunteers/Officials
12.2 Parents/Guardians
12.3 Participants
12.4 Behaviour Processing
Middleton Gymnastics Clubs operates a 3 Strike behavior policy. Minor or first instances will receive a verbal warning, second or continued issues; a member will be issued with a formal written warning. Third incident will result in a cancellation of membership. Dependant on the severity or nature of the incident Middleton Gymnastics Club reserves the right to automatically issue a written warning or immediately terminate your membership.
MGC operates an open policy under which any member, parent/guardian, staff or other official who has a grievance or complaint against other users can make it known to the Directors of the Club, in order that problems or issues can be highlighted, discussed and resolved. This will hopefully provide an atmosphere within the club which is conducive to high levels of achievement while being as enjoyable as possible for all users.
Full details can be found within the MGC HUB on the clubs website
14.1 Middleton Gymnastics Club will not provide or administer any medication, should your child require any medication prescribed by medical professional during a session, the parent or guardian is required to stay throughout the duration of the session.
14.2 Any member on prescribed medication (such as anti-biotics) should only participate if you have sought medical advice to confirm there are no side effects that may cause risk of injury or by participating in gymnastic activities will not have a negative impact on health.
14.3 Members with asthma should ensure they bring their own prescribed in-hailer to each session.
15.1 Middleton Gymnastics Club is keen to promote the sport of gymnastics and like to take photographs to promote achievements and capture children participating/competing in the gym and at competition venues, trips, fundraising events and disco/presentation evenings.
15.2 All photos, videos will be published in line with the guidance contained in the BG Child Protection Policy 2004 on Use of Photographs and Recorded Images and the Health, Safety and Welfare Policy 2005 on Use of Imagery on the Internet.
15.3 Members use of mobile phones, smart watches or other devices is not permitted during training sessions unless for a specific purpose which has been pre-arranged with a lead coach.Parent are not permitted to record or live stream sessions.
15.4 Please be aware Middleton Gymnastics Club have internal and external CCTV in operation.
16.1 It is your responsibility to inform MGC should you wish you leave/cancel your membership and fees are payable until the last day of the month you notified us. On cancellation of your membership we will notify British Gymnastics and un-attach you from MGC as your primary club, your insurance be may suspended by BG until the expiry date of its current term (This can be transferred or reactivated should you move to another club).
16.2. MGC will notify you should we cancel your membership, and as such fees are still payable until the end of the current calendar month.
16.3. On cancellation of your membership either by you or the club both fees, BG Insurance or other annual membership payments are non-refundable.
16.4. Any outstanding fees or other incurred charges may be passed to a third party debt collection agency after 30 days of cancelling your membership if left unpaid.