MGC operates an open policy under which any member, parent/guardian, staff or other official who has a grievance or complaint against other users can make it known to the Directors of the Club, in order that problems or issues can be highlighted, discussed and resolved. This will hopefully provide an atmosphere within the club which is conducive to high levels of achievement while being as enjoyable as possible for all users.
How to raise a complaint
1.In the first instance we encourage you to address your concerns to your child's coach (or line management for staff).
2.If you feel it is necessary to register a formal complaint at a higher level, please complete all sections on the complaint form below. Alternatively you can down load a printable version to complete and either:
A response will be sent to you (usually by email) confirming receipt of your complaint.
Complaints & Appeals Process.
All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of a children and young people will recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the clubs child protection policy and procedures.
Complaints Process
1.All complaints regarding the actions of members should be presented and submitted online via the complaints form or in writing to the Senior Management Team. The Clubs Welfare officer is the lead contact for all members in the event of any child protection concerns. Their contact detail can be found on the clubs website or on the notice board in the gym.
2.The Clubs Senior Management Team will meet to hear the complaint within 21 Days of a complaint being registered. The SMT has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership.
3.The outcome of the disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 14 days of the hearing.
Appeals Process
There will be the right of appeal to the Senior Management Team following the announced outcome of the initial complaint.
1.An appeal should be submitted in writing to the Senior Management Team within 14 days of receiving the SMT decision.
2.The Senior Management Team should consider the appeal within 21 days of receipt of the appeal.
3.The Senior Management Team will respond in writing within 14 days of the reviewed appeal, confirming or amending any previous decisions. The Senior Management Teams decision is final.